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Villagio at Bradford Village

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906 North Boulevard, Edmond, OK 73034
Care provided: Assisted Living, Retirement Communities
For more information about assisted living options 866-567-1335 The phone number connects you with a local advisor from
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  • Community Information

    Villagio at Bradford Village is an assisted living facility in Edmond, OK. Villagio at Bradford Village offers activities at their location for residents. These activities generally allow residents to maintain healthy lifestyles by encouraging movement and socializing with their peers.

    Being able to chat with other residents becomes an important part of many peoples' lives and Villagio at Bradford Village offers common spaces indoors to support that need. The benefit of living in an assisted living community is that making meals can be costly and time consuming process so Villagio at Bradford Village provides meals for residents.

    Staff is awake and available 24 hours a day so if any emergencies occur no matter the time, there will be someone ready to help. Making sure residents with diabetes monitor their insulin levels is clearly an important task and Villagio at Bradford Village can help with that task. If a resident needs assistance moving from a bed to a wheelchair, this facility has staff who can help.

  • Residents


    The minimum age that a resident may be is 55 years old.


    24-Hour Awake Staff

    Facility Care Level

    Care Level Percentage
    Light Care %
    Medium Care %
    Heavy Care %

    Additional Services

    Diabetic Care
    The community can help residents monitor their blood sugar but cannot give insulin injections.

    Incontinence Care
    Incontinent residents must be able to manage incontinence themselves.

    Non Ambulatory Care
    This community can provide standby assistance for residents who need help transferring, for example, from a bed into a wheelchair.

  • Transportation

    Resident Parking Available


    Additional Amenities

    Activities Onsite
    Devotional Services Offsite
    Indoor Common Areas

    Other Services


    Meals Provided

    Activities Provided

    None specified at this time.
  • Average Room Pricing at Villagio at Bradford Village

    Room Type Assisted Living
    Studio 3815.00 Monthly
    1 Bedroom 4275.00 Monthly
    2 Bedrooms
    Disclaimer: The prices, amenities, features and care offered at senior communities are all subject to change; therefore information on this community profile may be out of date. Please note the costs per community are rough estimates; actual costs may vary depending on special offers and discounts, additional fees for services and care, and availability.

    Estimated Fees at Villagio at Bradford Village

    Fee Type Assisted Living
    Community Fee 1250.00 One-time
    Respite Fee
    Buy-In Fee
    High Care Needs Fee
    Medium Care Needs Fee
    Low Care Needs Fee
    2nd Person Fee 675.00 Monthly
    Disclaimer: The prices, amenities, features and care offered at senior communities are all subject to change; therefore information on this community profile may be out of date. Please note the costs per community are rough estimates; actual costs may vary depending on special offers and discounts, additional fees for services and care, and availability.

    Paying for care

    Commercial Insurance
    Private pay
    Social Security
    Separate pricing structure for care
    Veteran's benefits

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Nearby Cities

City Distance Number of Facilities Average CostAverage Cost for 1 Bedroom
Edmond0 miles6$3,380
Oklahoma City6 miles15$2,800
Nichols Hills7 miles1$2,880
Bethany14 miles1$2,540
Midwest City14 miles2$3,010
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General Pricing Information for Edmond Assisted Living

Room Type Minimum Cost Average Cost Maximum Cost
1 Bedroom$3,000$3,385$4,275
2 Bedrooms$3,400$3,400$3,400

Community Reviews

Good experience

reviewed on: 05/02/2018 by E.Hood

Facility is incredibly friendly and family oriented everybody is helpful not a fan of their night shift but There’s a red headed girl who is amazing! She is there to see your family get better and go home and live their life comfortably! If you get her on your hall you’re lucky they do move people around a lot though!

Could be a great option!

reviewed on: 09/19/2016 by Anonymous

The community at the Bradford Village was well maintained but not exactly what I was looking for. The staff that offered the tour were very friendly and courteous. They were very pleasant to work with and addressed all of my concerns.

The place to go and know your loved ones are taken well cared of.

reviewed on: 05/11/2018 by Ann Wilson

My my grand parents lived here about 4 yeas. I can honestly say Bradford was excellent! Since my Parents lived out of state I took the responsibility of helping them find AssistedLliving. I could rest assured that they were safe and well taken care of. They later moved to the Bradford nursing home, and that was execellent also, It is so nice to be able to rest assured that I made the right decision! My parents were also impressed by my decision. I would hIghly recomend Bradford to anyone looking for long term care.

I took a tour!!

reviewed on: 06/16/2017 by Anonymous

One of the communities that I toured was Bradford Village. It was a nice community, very clean and well maintained. The tour guide was friendly and welcoming, they answered any questions and made it a good experience to tour.

Some good, some bad

reviewed on: 08/29/2019 by Anonymous

My mother has been in long term care at Bradford Village for over 3 years. We have seen a lot of changes in that time. The new staff seems to be more concerned about appearances of the facility than they care about the health of their residents. I would like to compliment the Activities Director and the kitchen staff. The Activities Director has a genuine heart for all the residents and does all she can to make their lives better with what seems to be very little help from other staff. The food has improved, and it needed to, with the latest changes in kitchen staff. Unfortunately, the care has gotten worse over time. Lack of staff seems to be the biggest problem. Lack of consistency has also become a problem. Residents are told one thing and yet something else happens. My mother still has her mind but wonders if they are trying to make her think she does not.

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