Senior Star of Elmore Place Davenport IA 52807 | AssistedLiving.com | AssistedLiving.com
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Senior Star of Elmore Place

4500 Elmore Ave, Davenport, IA 52807
Care provided: Assisted Living, Retirement Communities, Alzheimer's Memory Care
For more information about assisted living options 866-567-1335 The phone number connects you with a local advisor from Assistedliving.com
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  • Community Information

    Senior Star of Elmore Place is an assisted living facility in Davenport, IA. Senior Star of Elmore Place offers activities at their location for residents. These activities generally allow residents to maintain healthy lifestyles by encouraging movement and socializing with their peers.

    Being able to chat with other residents becomes an important part of many peoples' lives and Senior Star of Elmore Place offers common spaces indoors to support that need. The benefit of living in an assisted living community is that making meals can be costly and time consuming process so Senior Star of Elmore Place provides meals for residents.

    Staff is awake and available 24 hours a day so if any emergencies occur no matter the time, there will be someone ready to help.

    Unique Features

    * Large community with lots of amenities on Iowa side of Mississippi River
    * Secured building and courtyard with garden path
    * Home cooked meals and snacks
    * Life Experience Center
    * Hydrotherapy spa
    * Relaxation room with sensory redirection
    * On site beauty and barber shops
  • Residents


    The minimum age that a resident may be is 55 years old.


    Nurses on Staff
    24-Hour Awake Staff
    Visiting Podiatrist

    Facility Care Level

    Care Level Percentage
    Light Care 0%
    Medium Care 0%
    Heavy Care 0%

    Additional Services

    Memory Care Offered
    The memory care area of this community is secured to protect the safety of residents who wander. This community's memory care section can accept residents with major behavior issues. The community's memory care section is in its own building.

    Incontinence Care
    This community can care for residents with bowel incontinence. This community can care for residents with bladder incontinence.

    Non Ambulatory Care
    This community can provide a 1 person assisted transfer for residents who need help transferring, for example, from a bed into a wheelchair. This community is equipped to use mechanical lifts transfer for residents who need help transferring, for example, from a bed into a wheelchair.

    Other Care
    This community can accept residents who are an elopement risk.
  • Transportation

    Resident Parking Available
    Complimentary Transportation
    Property Convenient to Busline


    Allowed Outdoors

    Additional Amenities

    Activities Onsite
    Activities Offsite
    Devotional Services Onsite
    Devotional Services Offsite
    Outdoor Common Areas
    Indoor Common Areas
    Beautician Onsite

    Other Services

    Wheelchair Accessible Showers
    Full Tubs
    Respite Offered
    Swimming Pool / Hot Tub


    Meals Provided

    Additional info: Our team of culinary experts, oversee multiple dining venues, so you can grab a quick bite on the go, relish dinner with friends in the dining room, or enjoy the ambiance of private dining.

    Activities Provided

    We have three activity directors within each building that plan and host daily events. We offer a variety of cultural and educational programming unique to Senior Star. From current events discussions to yoga, off-site excursions to art classes, movie outings and musical performances, and baseball games, there are daily opportunities to inspire every resident to continue living, loving and experiencing life. All this, delivered within a culture of personalized service, led by an experienced and talented staff that put you first. Senior living has never looked so good! * Exercise programs, Zumba Gold, Laughter Yoga, Aquatic arthritis class in heated therapy pool, Shape Master exercise equipment. * Local celebrities as guest speakers , Miss Iowa pageant contestants etc * Ask the expert series, elder law attorneys, Veterans benefit planning, financial planners, physicians etc * Support groups for Memory care * Trips to local musems, shopping malls and restaurants.
  • Average Room Pricing at Senior Star of Elmore Place

    Room Type Assisted Living
    Studio 0
    1 Bedroom 0
    Semi-Private 2009
    2 Bedrooms
    Disclaimer: The prices, amenities, features and care offered at senior communities are all subject to change; therefore information on this community profile may be out of date. Please note the costs per community are rough estimates; actual costs may vary depending on special offers and discounts, additional fees for services and care, and availability.

    Estimated Fees at Senior Star of Elmore Place

    Fee Type Assisted Living
    Community Fee 3355.00 Monthly
    Respite Fee 3825.00 Monthly
    Buy-In Fee 4410.00 Monthly
    High Care Needs Fee
    Medium Care Needs Fee
    Low Care Needs Fee
    2nd Person Fee 1
    Disclaimer: The prices, amenities, features and care offered at senior communities are all subject to change; therefore information on this community profile may be out of date. Please note the costs per community are rough estimates; actual costs may vary depending on special offers and discounts, additional fees for services and care, and availability.

    Paying for care

    Commercial Insurance
    Private pay
    Social Security
    Separate pricing structure for care
    Veteran's benefits

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Nearby Cities

City Distance Number of Facilities Average CostAverage Cost for 1 Bedroom
Davenport0 miles4$2,950
Rock Island5 miles1$3,300
Moline7 miles3$3,830
Silvis8 miles1$3,190
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General Pricing Information for Davenport Assisted Living

Room Type Minimum Cost Average Cost Maximum Cost
1 Bedroom$490$2,955$3,910
2 Bedrooms$590$3,165$4,410
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